Chirayu Tripathi

Passionate Software Engineer with primary focus on Machine Learning, having 2 years of experience deploying fine-tuned transformers, implementing innovative AI solutions, and collaborating on medical projects for predictive modeling.


Programming Languages

Python, C/C++, HTML/CSS, R, Erlang, Java.


MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL.

Frameworks & Applications

Hadoop, Tableau, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, Tensorflow, Excel, Git, AWS, Flask, REST API, Apache Spark, SAS, ETL, Langchain, Docker, Kubernetes.

Technical Skills

Deep Learning, RPA, Statistics, Linux, DBMS, Algorithms, Data Visualization, MLOps, NLP.


Engineered a framework to translate natural language text into queries for Pandas, MongoDB, Kusto, and Neo4j databases, enabling seamless querying across disparate data sources using plain English. Created and published a package using PyPI with over 3K downloads and is available at nl2query.

Tech Used: CodeT5+, MongoDB, Pandas, Neo4j, Kusto, NLP, Text Generation, Python, Pytorch.


RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) chatbot accompanied with Mistral-7B, specifically tailored for Verizon customer services. The chatbot's workflow begins with dataset creation through iterative extraction from links and user guides, resulting in approximately 1000 pages of data. To address the processing limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs), we implement a recursive character splitting technique from Langchain, breaking the dataset into manageable text chunks. Embeddings are then created using the all-MiniLM-L12-v2 model. Storage of these embeddings is efficiently managed through the FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) vector store, known for its effectiveness in handling extensive data. During retrieval, user queries are matched with the most relevant chunks using FAISS search, ensuring accurate and tailored responses.

Tech Used: RAG, Mistral-7B, Transformers, Pytorch, Langchain.

Twitter API Clone using Distributed Computing

Designed a Twitter clone server and client using the Erlang and Akka Model, capable of serving and handling upto 1-2 million requests at a specific time-stamp.

Tech Used: Erlang, Akka Model, Distributed Computing, APIs.

Kubernetes Controller

Designed and developed a performance-optimized Kubernetes cluster on CloudLab utilizing model-based feedback control, including implementing a local controller on each node scaling pod counts based on utilization metrics to efficiently maximize resource usage, as well as creating a global cluster controller managing overall utilization through threshold-triggered node scaling and job scheduling using a middleware layer to separate cluster management from control logic.

Tech Used: Kubernetes, Flask, Docker, PID Controllers.

Latent Factor based Recommender System using Spark ALS

Implemented the popularity based recommender using latent factor model with ALS to decrease root mean square error by 15% . Prevented cold start problem for a new user by using additional metadata like tags.

Tech Used: Apache Spark, Recommender Systems.

Achievements and Open Source Contributions.

Here are some of my achievements and open source contributions.

Global Rank 10 in "Love in the time of screens" Hackathon.

Ranked 10th globally out of 2500 participants in the ”Love in the time of screens” Machine Learning hackathon organized by HackerEarth, which involved matching dating candidates based on their profile.

Achievement Award Scholarship

Received $4500 worth of scholarship from the University of Florida for my past academic record.

SimpleT5 (Open Source)

Contributed to open source by implementing CodeT5 transformer support for SimpleT5 library.

Github Repository

nl2query (Open Source)

Open sourced my collected data as well as the fine-tuned CodeT5+ model for my nl2query package, so that open source community can build on top of it. At present it has 34 stars and about 3K downloads.

Github Repository

My Resume

My Blogs

Check out my latest blog post on Medium:

Iterators and Generators in Python

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